A Weird Post.

Here’s the thing: Everyone’s weird. Everyone’s strange. Everyone. It’s just that the weirdness of some people is compatible to ours. These people become our friends. But every now and then their weirdness seems to catch us off guard. That’s when the fights start. So. What I’m trying to say is – everyone’s weird. Even your…

When people give you shitty advices…

These are some advises that I find irritating. This largely includes the advices I give to people, myself. 1. Be positive. Everything will be okay. Okay dude, I know everything will be okay. And I don’t wanna be f*cking positive right now. I can’t. Alright? 2. Do what’s best for you. Don’t think about the…

Abandonment in the cruelest of forms.

Hello people from my second favourite city – blogville. My first favourite city is Mumbai, if you were wondering. Maybe you weren’t wondering. But I like beating around the bush. I actually have nothing to say today. I’ve had nothing to say since so many weeks now. But I was missing interacting with you guys…

List of things I want to do atleast once in life

1. Go Bungee jumping. 2. Shout loudly on a mountain peak. I have a feeling that it’ll be the most liberating thing to do. 3. Go Skydiving with my soulmate. 4. Go to the airport all heart broken, only to find my boyfriend/fiance, waiting for me to reconcile or something similar to that. I don’t…

Helping A Selfish Person

If you had to help someone who’s VERY selfish – someone who even helps people so that she’ll get something in return, in future – would you? I’m guessing you wouldn’t. But what if that person pestered you every single day to help her? Okay I’m going to make it simpler now. This girl A,…

Happiness Is…

…200 follows in two months! This is a Thank You post for all you lovely bloggers out there! I love all of you! Even the ones who don’t read my posts. Even the ones who press ‘like’ without reading a word of my post! Even the ones who’ve followed me just for a follow back….

6 Things That Need To Be Invented To Make Life Simpler.

Without further ado (read: vain introduction about the topic), I’d like to present to you my futuristic vision that’ll change the world. Be ready to be disappointed if you actually believe it’ll change the world. 1. Earphones that don’t tangle. Make it stop, someone! 2. Shoes that tie shoelaces themselves. Smart phones? They’re passé. Smart…

Blogging = Watching Television!

Did you know that blogs are so much like a serial? Now, in this paragraph, assume serials=blogs and episodes=posts. (yeah, I’m into equations and maths lately. But don’t you worry, I promise I’m not trying to explain a confusing theorem here.) Anyway, serials (blogs) air their episodes (posts) everyday. Some air them weekly or some…

Ten things I hate to love

You know those things you LOVE doing, but you’re not too proud of it? Here’s my list of those things: 1. Those romantic novels. I’m a die hard romantic. And I’m way, way overage for teenage drama and romance – I should start reading some mature philosophical novels. But they just aren’t fun! 2. Singing…

Back to Mumbai!

Soooo I’m back Mumbai! And I’m so happy that even the 35 degree Celsius temperature doesn’t dampen my spirits. So I reached mumbai day before yesterday, and the next day – that is yesterday – I went to get my merit scholarship (yes, I got selected for a scholarship on the national level!). The lady…

Ten Things Being A Girl Taught Me

Good evening, people! Today I’m going to talk about ten things being a girl taught me. It’s quite a cynical post, so don’t tell me I didn’t warn you beforehand. 1. People will always expect me to be adjust – afterall, that’s what I’ll have to do all my life, right? ‘Adjust’? With my inlaws,…