Some quick updates about my life right now

Hi guys. I don’t know if you guys still remember me. I used to be regular. Now its just impossible to be regular.

Things have changed since I was here last. So many things. I’ve started working. And I’m happy. I’m tired most of the time. But I’m happy. To be working, to be earning, to be useful to people around me, to be responsible. I’m happy, yes. I don’t think I fully realised how happy I am, until this very moment.

Another update: I almost had a fling with a guy. A cute, sweet, shy guy. The kind of guy who’s maybe not that charming, but you find him very charming nonetheless. I won’t reveal the name, obviously. But due to some practical reasons, we couldn’t date each other. But that’s fine. I got to experience something sweet and exciting. And you know, something is better than nothing. I even wrote a cute little poem about it. I’ll share it with you guys. Or maybe I won’t. It’s sort of too personal, and I’m scared people I know will come across the poem. I’ve changed my real name and all on my WordPress profile, but I’m still scared.

And… What else? I’m looking for another job. One that fits my degree in economics. The current job is related to marketing and branding.

Oh another update: my best friend has gone to another city to study. It’s been a year since we’ve lived in two different cities. It’s very weird. You think you know how to handle this shit, and its all going to be alright, but you don’t. It’s like if you’d be thrown in a river, even though you know how to swim, you’d panic for a while before actually swimming. That’s exactly what happens when you enter some uncharted territory. Even though you are a grownup and you know you know stuff, you still take a while to adjust. Even though it sucks, it’s a sort of comforting thought – to know that it will all be fine if you give it a little time.

Alright, that’s it about my life. If any of my old blogger friends is reading this – Vi, Mia, Sooch, Rob – sending you lots and lots of love.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. The V Pub says:

    Welcome back!!!!


    1. Sunidhi says:

      Thanks Rob!! đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back, hope all is well. Keep on blogging.


    1. Sunidhi says:

      Thanks, Tony! đŸ™‚


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