2021 Oh what a year this has been. I’m married!!!! Yep! I’m lying on a new bed, in a newly rented apartment with my new husband. Yep. You read that right. I have a HUSBAND. Lol. I’ve mostly stopped writing. I don’t know why. I don’t have enough time to jot down all my thoughts…

My Sweet Nani

So today I made a sketch of my nani. I think she’s the purest, loveliest human being on the planet. Both my nana and my nani actually are the sweetest people. A couple of years ago, my nani got a clot in her brain, and they removed it, but somehow the surgery left her with…

Today I got to experience the importance of this phrase first hand – “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. People who seem EXTREMELY sweet and nice, aren’t necessarily nice. And people who seem EXTREMELY cold and heartless, sometimes are actually really nice people. I know this is not an awesome ephipany or anything, but…

Fiery Warmth

Today we must learn. To smile at the smallest of moments. To feel everything you feel, and not feel ashamed or scared of having feelings. We must learn. To let go. You are here as a guest, don’t take everything so seriously. We must learn to forgive ourselves. For having weak moments. For not feeling…

Eventually, it Does Get Better

I just want to tell you guys that if there’s something that’s not working out right now, just always, always keep in mind that this is not permanent. I sometimes like to think – That’s it’s all okay, until we get to experience little moments of pure joy. When you see a baby smile a…

New Job

My dairy entry a few months ago: I feel like I’ve matured way more than what a mere 4 month period would normally allow. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the realization that things won’t always be perfect. Things won’t always be rosy. You will fall way deeper than you ever have, and you WILL have…

Some quick updates about my life right now

Hi guys. I don’t know if you guys still remember me. I used to be regular. Now its just impossible to be regular. Things have changed since I was here last. So many things. I’ve started working. And I’m happy. I’m tired most of the time. But I’m happy. To be working, to be earning,…

Things that shouldn’t matter, but somehow do.

Hi bloggers… How have you been? I’ve been just great. Until now. It’s about marks. I know. PETTY AS SHIT. But yeah. I hate that I got lesser marks than the girl who took ALL the study notes from ME. I did the hard work. She got the marks. She stood first in the class,…

Let me Introduce you to my Ajja and Ajji (Grandparents)

I recently gifted my grandmother a watch and my grandfather a novel from my first paycheck (kinda first, because I’d also done a small stint as a content writer before this. Even this money, with which I gifted my grandparents was a temporary 4 day thing of supervising CA examinations. Any graduate can do it,…


I’m screaming inside. Though I look calm and composed and seemingly immersed in some kind of interesting work I’m screaming from the inside. So many things. There are so many things I can do. That I want to do. But I’m just sitting here, unable to move in the direction I want to. There are…

Oh, Those Days

I feel like going back to those golden days. The days when I used to day dream about different situations with my crushes. Most of them ended with me making out with him. The coming years had held so many possibilities. I had always thought something will happen. Maybe not exactly like my day dreams,…

It’s Sweet and Blissful

We’re driving towards my native place in Karnataka and dad’s saying something to my brother about where to stop for petrol… I try to pay attention, but can’t, I’m feeling sleepy I realise I don’t have to worry about it. My eyes are doing that slow-mo opening and closing thing, and I’m slowly falling asleep…